title A Pub Walk to the Railway Tavern, Mellis, Suffolk - 9th February 2025 intro After a bit of a break, we finally get a chance for another pub walk. As it's a bit late and the weather's not that good, we opt for a shortish one and so do the Railway Tavern in Mellis again. The next day, Isobel's off to Bristol for some work thing, so gets dropped off at Diss railway station. imgp0167 There are sticky burrs stuck to a walking sock imgp0168 Isobel walks off towards Thrandeston imgp0169 A horse in a field in Thrandeston imgp0171 Isobel adjusts her rucksack on Judas Lane imgp0174 Judas Lane between Thrandeston and Mellis imgp0176 The new substation is bigger than expected imgp0177 A sign on a pumping station points to wasps imgp0180 A cluster of buildings around the Mellis Railway imgp0182 Isobel at the bar in the Railway Tavern imgp0183 Isobel says hi to a bulldog imgp0186 The bulldog does a bit of dancing with Isobel imgp0187 Anubis, god of death, lies on the floor of the pub imgp0189 The entrance to Mellis Lodge - Stefan's old house imgp0190 The ramshackle shed outside Mellis imgp0191 Some knobwit has tipped a barbeque into a field imgp0193 Isobel stands near some random farm ironwork imgp0194 We're on the road back to Thrandeston imgp0195 Some deer watch us warily imgp0200 An electricity pylon looms overhead imgp0201 A pointless stretch of bike lane on the A140 imgp0202 Isobel picks up her train ticket for Bristol imgp0203 The train to Norwich pulls in to Diss station imgp0204 The weeds around the WWII pillbox have been tidied