title The Grandad Archive, Various Locations - 7th January 2023 intro The Old Man wasn't much into photography, so there aren't that many photos really, but there were some new ones in this stash from a drawer which hadn't been seen before. They include some of the floods of Church Fenton in Yorkshire around 1950 or so, and some of Trevor at RAF Halton. There's then something of a gap until the early 1980s and Lindisfarne on Ryles Park Road in Macclesfield, and the appearance of Brandy the labrador puppy. After that, there's another gap until the late 90s when, following early retirement from air traffic controlling due to a stroke, the Old Chap started teaching radar in various colleges and airports in the UK, Finland and even Khazakstan. scan_or_011 Relatives, around 1920 or so scan_or_003 The old man's dad? 1930s scan_or_009 Another mystery relative scan_or_013_1942-05-23 An uncle perhaps, 1942 scan_fenton_floods_002 The floods of Church Fenton, 1950? scan_fenton_floods Trevor's younger brothers in the floods scan_or_020 One of Trevor's siblings scan_or_005_1939 Another brother, in 1950 scan_or_006 More siblings scan_or_010 One more brother scan_or_some_wedding A wedding occurs scan_or_dad Grandad's grandad at a wedding scan_or_008 Trevor's parents at their wedding scan_or_002 A mystery relative scan_or_005 Trevor with parents and younger brothers scan_or_019 Trevor on a bike in Church Fenton, Yorkshire scan_or_007 Trevor in regulation PE kit, RAF Halton? scan_or_halton_001 Trevor at RAF Halton, 1951 scan_or_halton_002 Some of the 69th Entry at Halton scan_or_halton_005 3 Wing Armourers at RAF Halton, 1951 scan_or_014 Possibly in Singapore scan_or_001 Trevor at a wedding, 1958? scan_or_015 Brandy chews something up scan_or_061 Brandy with a tennis ball scan_or_018 Brandy with a stuffed toy, 1982 scan_or_016 In the snow at Ryles Park Road, Macclesfield scan_or_017 Lindisfarne, on Ryles Park Road, 1983 scan_or_023 The lounge window at Lindisfarne scan_or_021 Brandy the labrador, 1984 scan_or_024 Air Traffic teaching near Bath scan_or_025 At the London Air Traffic Control Centre, West Drayton scan_or_026_1998-04-27 The old man supervises some radar training, 1998 scan_or_027_1998-04-27 A class of radar trainees, April 1998 scan_or_029 Another suprvisor takes notes scan_or_030 A group of air traffic trainees, Bradford on Avon 1998 scan_or_031_1998-05-04 The old man with a dude and a cigar scan_or_033 On holiday in Mexico scan_or_034 Trevor and a colleague, Khazakstan scan_or_040 A room full of radar simulators scan_or_028 Prof. Sadikova Sanatorium near Almaty, Khazakstan scan_or_041 Somewhere else near Almaty in Khazakstan scan_or_051 Trevor's apartment in Amaty scan_or_042 Khazakstan snow scan_or_043 Trevor's mates do a sauna in Finland scan_or_044 The view from the flat in Vantaa, Helsinki scan_or_045 Another view from the apartments in Vantaa scan_or_046 The research vessel Meripelastus in Helsinki scan_or_047 Another view of the car park from the apartments scan_or_048 The old man's Vantaa flat scan_or_049 There's building work at Vantaa airport scan_or_052 Smoked fish for sale down at Helsinki harbour scan_or_053 Senate Square in Helsinki scan_or_054 Down at the harbour front in Helsinki scan_or_069 Café life in Helsinki scan_or_060 In the forests of Finland scan_or_062 A low sun through the pine trees scan_or_063 Up at Vantaa airport scan_or_064 The old man with a sprog scan_or_065 Sis and Nosher at Santa Park in November 1999 scan_or_066 The old man somewhere scan_or_067 Trevor with Mel on holiday in Fiji scan_or_068 Trevor with Katie scan_or_070 On a ferry somewhere scan_or_071 Somewhere in Finland scan_or_bailbrook_coll_001 Trevor and his students at Bailbrook College scan_or_bailbrook_coll_002 A student group at Bailbrook College scan_or_halton_003 A reunion at RAF Halton scan_or_halton_004 RAF Halton reunion