title Family History: Raven Road, Timperley, Altrincham - 24th January 2020 intro It's the early seventies and we've gone from Knutsford to Raven Road in Timperley, where Nosher's at Heyes Lane school but walks home after the first bell on the first day thinking it's the end of school. It's also the house where Rupert the Siamese cat eats all the goldfish out of the pond, Sis cycled through the greenhouse aged four, and we get our first colour television. ravenroad1-clean In the back garden at Raven Road, and the greenhouses ravenroad2-clean Nosher points at the camera fs08 On a tricycle in the back garden fs09 Nosher's got his favourite panda teddy fs10 Nosher in a sou'wester, with granny, whilst Sis shrieks scan_20200120_021 Sis and Nosher in the paddling pool scan_2020-05-24-0001_01 In the paddling pool, Raven Road scan_20200121_050 In the paddling pool scan_20200121_049 Nosher mows the lawn with a pair of scissors scan_20200122_019 Rupert the cat ravenroad3-clean On the trike scan_20200121_004 Nosher in Heyes Lane uniform, with Sis and possibly Danielle scan_20200121_006 Nosher and Sis scan_20200121_014 Rupert the Siamese in the back of dad's Hillman Hunter scan_20200121_065 Sis, Nosher and Mother scan_20200122_003 Blowing bubbles