title Cycling to Bigod's Castle, Eye, Suffolk - 9th April 2017 intro It's a nice day, so we cycle in to Eye via the back way, and stop off at the Queen's Head for a pint, and then Eye Castle for a look at the view. imgc5558 Harry gets a tow on his bike imgc5559 At the bottom of the hill on the Avenue imgc5562 Fred and Isobel cycle up Brome Avenue imgc5564 We cycle up Century Road imgc5565 Crossing the bridge near the Scout Hut in Eye imgc5567 Isobel and Fred on Church Street imgc5569 A purple wheelie bin in front of a fire escape imgc5570 Lemonades and beers all round imgc5575 It's chips for lunch at the Queen's Head in Eye imgc5577 Outside the Queen's Head imgc5580 Harry is keen to get on his bike again imgc5581 The Jubilee Beacon at Eye Castle imgc5583 Harry and Fred on the original 1160AD wall imgc5584 Isobel and the boys poke around imgc5587 Isobel takes a break imgc5589 Looking over Eye towards the airfield imgc5590 Fred at the top of the steps imgc5592 The school and St. Peter and St. Paul's church imgc5593 Fred roams around Bigod's Castle imgc5594 Wind turbines in the distance imgc5596 Fred reads a sign imgc5604 Fred's lost his head imgc5605 The back of the old Paddocks care home imgc5606 Back on the avenue imgc5609 Harry and Isobel imgc5611 Harry cycles around