April Miscellany 2: Cat, Bumblebees, The BBs and Cambridge - 22nd April 2008

Another miscellaneous round-up: Isobel plays with Soph-bags the Cat in the lounge; The BBs play the Lord Mayor's Ball at the Carnegie Rooms in Thetford, Norfolk; Nosher whiles away and hour trying (and mostly failing) to get a photo of a bumble/honey bee taking off; we mill around Mill Road in Cambridge, followed by the market in town; there's an evening around Caroline and John's for a spot of dinner and sprog practising...

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These are cropped thumbnails. Click on an image to view the full photograph.

Iz waves 'thing on a stick' at the cat

Iz waves "thing on a stick" at the cat

Soph-bags sits in a beam of sunshine, surrounded by 'thing on a stick'

Soph-bags sits in a beam of sunshine, surrounded by "thing on a stick"

Isobel and Cat flake out after all the excitement

Isobel and Cat flake out after all the excitement

Iz peers out over the top of her trashy mag

Iz peers out over the top of her trashy mag

John - the BBs' deputy bassist for the night - surveys the hall from the back of the stage

John - the BBs' deputy bassist for the night - surveys the hall from the back of the stage

Rob and Henry fiddle about

Rob and Henry fiddle about

Henry looks out over the hall

Henry looks out over the hall

An abandoned glass of beer looks at its own reflection in the mirror

An abandoned glass of beer looks at its own reflection in the mirror

A glass of beer and a glass of water talk about life in the dressing room

A glass of beer and a glass of water talk about life in the dressing room

Thetford from behind bars (of a sort)

Thetford from behind bars (of a sort)

Henry and his ever-present test drum pads

Henry and his ever-present test drum pads

John and two Robs

John and two Robs

A bumblebee gets nectar from a nettle flower

A bumblebee gets nectar from a nettle flower



A bumblebee on another nettle

A bumblebee on another nettle

A bumblebee launches itself in to the air

A bumblebee launches itself in to the air

Isobel offers up the Thai greeting on Mill Road, Cambridge

Isobel offers up the Thai greeting on Mill Road, Cambridge

Isobel waits outside the proposed (and controversial) Tesco with her new-found 70s standard lamp

Isobel waits outside the proposed (and controversial) Tesco with her new-found 70s standard lamp

Anti-Tesco notices

Anti-Tesco notices

Cambridge market

Cambridge market

A back alley

A back alley

A stall-holder's trolley outside the town hall

A stall-holder's trolley outside the town hall

A beat-up Cambridge Evening News stall

A beat-up Cambridge Evening News stall

In the Grand Arcade: abandoned trolleys with 'CO2' balloons

In the Grand Arcade: abandoned trolleys with "CO2" balloons

John with Zack

John with Zack

Zack slurps some Shiraz (not really)

Zack slurps some Shiraz (not really)

Caroline and Zack

Caroline and Zack


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