title The BBs Play Athelington Hall, Horham, Suffolk - 29th June 2006 intro The BBs are playing for Hartismere's 2006 school leavers' do at Athelington Hall near Horham in the depths of Suffolk. Set up's fairly early, and so having a bit of time to kill we escape for an hour to the Worlingworth Swan for a healthy dinner of crisps, although later on, back in the marquee, Henry manages to wangle us some apple pie from the caterers. imgp1614 Setting up the gear imgp1615 Jo on the mic imgp1616 Henry waits behind his kit imgp1617 Henry sound-checks his kit imgp1618 Jo and Rob imgp1619 Max surveys the stage imgp1622 Jo grins imgp1623 Max looks a bit nonplussed imgp1626 Max is hanging around imgp1634 One party-goer arrives in a Volvo tractor unit imgp1637 Rob lies back imgp1639 Jo shares a laugh with the organiser (left) imgp1643 Boys in tuxes and girls group together for a photo imgp1644 Jo does a roll-up from the back of her car imgp1645 Crisps for tea in the Worlingworth Swan imgp1646 Henry and Jo imgp1647 Rob writes up a set list imgp1648 Max and Henry imgp1650 Henry listens to something on earphones imgp1652 A field of barley waves in the breeze imgp1657 A derelict trailer of some description imgp1665 A close-up of some football netting imgp1670 Jo checks the set list imgp1671 Henry peers out of the marquee imgp1673 At the end of the gig, and the marquee is empty.