Save Hartismere: Hospital Closure Protest in Eye - 17th September 2005

The Diss Express proves that it can sometimes get news in before it happens by announcing a demonstration in Eye, starting outside Hartismere Hospital on Castleton Way and winding through the centre of Eye to the Town Hall. Nosher was there to take some photos - after all it's not every day that something as dramatic as this happens. The turnout's quite impressive and includes old chum Denny, who I've not seen for a while, as well as local MP Michael Lord (marking the first time I think I've ever seen my local parliamentary representative...) and a few-hundred others. The protest is over the long-threatened closure of Hartismere Hospital, which has been on the cards for ages. Part of the frustration is perhaps not so much that the building itself is being sold off (no doubt to property developers who'll probably buldoze the lot and stick a million rabbit-hutch houses on the site, packed in 20-an-acre) but that if it is, there's nothing to replace it and no other hospitals within a 23-mile radius. Anyway, it's a good-natured demonstration, which doesn't tax the assembled police presence too much (including the police spy-cam-car), although the town centre is closed off for 10 minutes.

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These are cropped thumbnails. Click on an image to view the full photograph.

Denny shows off her placard

Denny shows off her placard

The Women's Institute banner (the closest this particular demo has to Trades Union presence)

The Women's Institute banner (the closest this particular demo has to Trades Union presence)

Silent protest

Silent protest

The Rozzers' spy-cam car keeps watch

The Rozzers' spy-cam car keeps watch

MP Sir Michael Lord

MP Sir Michael Lord

A man attaches a document of protest

A man attaches a document of protest

The organiser kicks things off with a loud-hailer

The organiser kicks things off with a loud-hailer

The crowd leaves the hospital...

The crowd leaves the hospital...

...and makes its way down Castleton Way

...and makes its way down Castleton Way

Denny thrashes her placard about

Denny thrashes her placard about

Turning out onto Victoria Hill

Turning out onto Victoria Hill

Streaming past the crinkle-crankle wall

Streaming past the crinkle-crankle wall

The Gislingham Silver Band provide marching music

The Gislingham Silver Band provide marching music

Into Eye's town centre

Into Eye's town centre

A couple of girls dance along from their window

A couple of girls dance along from their window

The crowd piles in to the town hall

The crowd piles in to the town hall

Andy P - special Rozzer

Andy P - special Rozzer

Mr. Incognito - The Man's not gonna spy on him

Mr. Incognito - The Man's not gonna spy on him

Rousing applause

Rousing applause

Next question please...

Next question please...

The crowd is held in rapt attention

The crowd is held in rapt attention

Michael Lord communicates via loud-hailer

Michael Lord communicates via loud-hailer

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