Picnic at Knettishall Heath, Norfolk - 4th September 2005

The Mikey-P Massive arranges a picnic at Knettishall Heath, near Thetford in Norfolk. The Boy Phil drives Nosher, DH and Guv over for some food and a paddle in the pleasant but freezing river, where most of East Anglia seems to have turfed up to do something similar.

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These are cropped thumbnails. Click on an image to view the full photograph.

Clare, of the Mikey-P Massive

Clare, of the Mikey-P Massive

Wavy Davy

Wavy Davy

Mikey P strolls back with his Aussie hat after moving the car (so as not to be hassled by The Man)

Mikey P strolls back with his Aussie hat after moving the car (so as not to be hassled by The Man)

Guv with his trademark case of Grolsch

Guv with his trademark case of Grolsch

Wavy eats cake

Wavy eats cake

An un-flattering photo of Nosher

An un-flattering photo of Nosher

Wavy, Mikey-P and Clare go for a paddle

Wavy, Mikey-P and Clare go for a paddle

A bunch of kids take it in turns to haul themselves into the river

A bunch of kids take it in turns to haul themselves into the river

Mikey takes a sandal off; Wavy pretends to fall off the weir

Mikey takes a sandal off; Wavy pretends to fall off the weir

A trip to a nearby ice-cream van

A trip to a nearby ice-cream van

Guv aims a waterpistol

Guv aims a waterpistol

Clare reads a magazine (the conversation's that good)

Clare reads a magazine (the conversation's that good)

The boys wait while Nosher leaps out of the car to take photos of stuff

The boys wait while Nosher leaps out of the car to take photos of stuff


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