title A French Market, Blues and Curry, Diss, Scole and Brome - 17th October 2004 intro It's a bit of October miscellany: several shopkeepers in Diss had been grumbling about the one-off advent of a French Market, however instead of pitchforks and burning sheep, the town was heaving as a result and all the shops seemed as busy as usual. A few days later, the East Coast Blues Band is playing at the Scole Crossways pub, then Marc rustles up some grub following a Saturday bike ride, the bike-ride bit of which Nosher skived out of. img_0735 The crowds are out on Diss Marketplace img_0736 Somebody peers at fruit juices img_0737 The French market has taken over img_0739 A woman sells preserves img_0740 A biscuiterie stall img_0741 The best bit: cheese img_0742 Garlic and walnuts img_0744 Swervy World do some busking on Mere Street img_0746 Another Mere Street view img_0756 Maracas in the Scole Crossways img_0757 The East Coast Blues Band img_0759 Bass guitar action img_0761 The guitarist has a technical issue img_0762 Blues in the Crossways img_0763 Gov and The Boy Phil img_0766 More music img_0767 Round Marc and Suey's for curry img_0769 Bill and Jen img_0771 Bill enjoys his fort made of VHS cases img_0772 Jen's got her feet up img_0773 Marc and Suey's lounge