March Miscellany: A Nosher sign, Vehicle "A" blows a Gasket and Jess's pre-Birthday Drinks at Bar 13

Nosher has been, since the agen of 18, a sometime-signwriter. Various output includes a 12-foot-by-6-foot mural for the Royal British Legion in Plymouth, shop and estate-agent signs in New Milton, Hampshire, pub signs, murals, watercolours and a few shop signs in Norwich. This is one of the few reamining ones from way back in around 1990, painted as part of a two-shop set. The sign "Jordan House" is all that remains. Next door, on St Benedicts Street in Norwich (now known as "Diva") used to be a shop owned by a mate of Nosher's from the Soman-Wherry Print days in Norwich - a guy called Ian Hireson, who used to deal in computers and electronics and stuff. He and a friend opened a computer shop called "Datakitchen", but later confessed to "hating the public". Not neccessarily the attributes for running a shop. Next along is the call-out of the AA to rescue Nosher and Vehicle "A" (the normally-trusty runabout Astra, which is coming up to 200,000 miles, or 320,000 kilometers, on the clock). It had blown a head gasket on the way to work that morning (30th March) and had to be towed back to Diss. At least the AA dude was cool, and confessed to sharing one of Nosher's pet hates: that of people who use front fog-lights in utterly non-foggy conditions. At one point on the way back, I thought that some idiot was hanging around on the arse of the van I was in, waiting to overtake. But it was, of course, my own car being towed (meh). Finally, a Wednesday night out in Diss with Jess and Sazzle. Sazzle wasn't going to be around for Jess's birthday on the coming Saturday, so decided to go out on Wednesday instead (and why not). Nosher followed along and had a thoroughly pleasant time, albeit one sozzled due to an excess intake of gin...

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These are cropped thumbnails. Click on an image to view the full photograph.

One of Nosher's old signs remains on St Benedict's Street in Norwich (

One of Nosher's old signs remains on St Benedict's Street in Norwich ("Jordan House")

The Sock tries to nest in a bag full of stuff

The Sock tries to nest in a bag full of stuff


Vehicle "A" in the car park at Nosher's workplace in Cambridge is prepared for towing

the front-end is strapped up

the front-end is strapped up

In Bar 13 in Diss

In Bar 13 in Diss

Jess and Sazzle

Jess and Sazzle

We met up with a couple of dudes that Sazzle knew

We met up with a couple of dudes that Sazzle knew

Jess looks bashful

Jess looks bashful


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