Sue's Birthday Pizza @ Anne's - 2nd April 2003
Top Italian nosh on a Wednesday night, followed by an impromptu cork fight

A monster lasagne, which was meant to last a week, just before it gets almost completely eaten

Wavy pretends to load the dishwasher

Sue blows 'em out

and then slices it up...

Marc brutally eats the head off an icing goose

all the excitement finds Marc in his favourite position...

...and Sue on the floor

Time for the traditional "bumps"

however, everyone gives up at ten

Marc gets woken up...
| it's his turn (for some reason)

Marc checks that his prized collection of belly-button fluff is still there.

Three monkeys

Incoming! a barrage of corks is launched by Wavy during the free-for-all cork fight

Wavy's very-own defence against scary corks - a fabric "Maginot line" of sorts.
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