title Nosher's BSCC Barbeque, Brome, Suffolk - 3rd August 2002 intro It's Nosher's turn to do a Brome Swan Cycling Club/pub barbeque in the back garden. dcp_3752 The pub gang in the back garden dcp_3753 Hanging out in the garden dcp_3754 A fuzzy Bomber Langdon and Denny dcp_3759 Bomber Langdon does a Columbo impression dcp_3760 Suey, Pippa and DH dcp_3761 The Boy Phil and DH dcp_3762 Spammy, Apple and Pippa dcp_3763 Mikey P makes an appearance dcp_3764 Marc shows off his mastications dcp_3765 Mikey P's got a bottle of Stella dcp_3766 Spammy and Jenny do some washing up dcp_3767 Spammy is a washing-up blur dcp_3768 Jenny's on tea-towel duty dcp_3769 Suey kicks a football around dcp_3770 There's a snail stuck to a speaker in the garden dcp_3772 The garden is empty