title Radio 1's One Big Sunday, Chantry Park, Ipswich - 14th July 2002 intro Nosher, DH, Wavy and The Boy Phil pretend to be young enough to qualify for Radio One's demographic and head up to Chantry Park in Ipswich. On the way, we're in Ipswich, where Nosher bumps into a bunch of former Suffolk County Council colleagues. dcp_3587 The BSCC rides out towards Worlingworth dcp_3588 Ipswich Town Hall and market dcp_3589 The market place in Ipswich dcp_3590 Nosher bumps into former SCC colleague Karen dcp_3591 ...and then bumps into another, in the form of Joe dcp_3592 Joe and his sprog on Tacket Street dcp_3593 The Boy Phil and Wavy have a sleep dcp_3594 The queue for the bus to Chantry Park dcp_3595 DH, Wavy and The Boy Phil in the queue dcp_3596 The crowds dcp_3602 A hands-in-the-air moment dcp_3611 The One Big Sunday stage dcp_3612 More crowds in the sun dcp_3613 A girl gets her foot washed dcp_3617 Some kids get a hair wash dcp_3619 Possibly Kocheen on stage dcp_3623 Apple and Pippa in Anne's garden dcp_3624 DH, Marc and John Willy dcp_3625 Nigel and Wavy