A New Milton Trip, Hampshire - October 2001

Nosher heads down to New Milton, to see Sean and Michelle's new sprog - Sydney - as well as one of Hamish's. There's also a spot of para-gliding from the cliff-tops of Barton-on-Sea

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These are cropped thumbnails. Click on an image to view the full photograph.

The seafront at Barton-on-Sea, looking out to the Isle of Wight

The seafront at Barton-on-Sea, looking out to the Isle of Wight

Michelle and Sean, Barton-on-Sea cliff top

Michelle and Sean, Barton-on-Sea cliff top

The Beachcomber café, Barton-on-Sea

The Beachcomber café, Barton-on-Sea

A para-glider gets his, er, 'para' in the air

A para-glider gets his, er, "para" in the air

Just about ready to leap into the abyss

Just about ready to leap into the abyss

The para-glider sets sail towards the sea

The para-glider sets sail towards the sea

Sean and Michelle site down to watch

Sean and Michelle site down to watch

Michelle watches the baby

Michelle watches the baby

Over at Hamish's, Bruce is in full effect

Over at Hamish's, Bruce is in full effect

Bruce, Jane and Hamish

Bruce, Jane and Hamish

Hamish gives Kira the bottle

Hamish gives Kira the bottle

Holly - Sean's cat

Holly - Sean's cat


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