Adrian Leaves SCC, Dougie's Birthday and an Andrew Party, Ipswich - October 1997

Adrian Gardner ups sticks and leaves the IT department of SCC for brighter things. This requires the obligatory night out somewhere in Ipswich (involving bowling, of which he was a fan). Also, somewhere in Ipswich, it's Dougie's birthday and Andrew throws a party round his gaff.

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These are cropped thumbnails. Click on an image to view the full photograph.

Trevor and Campbell on the lanes
Lisa and Paul R wait for some action
Bob, Lisa, Neil, Paul and Foxy
Jon, Dougie and Trevor in a restaurant in Ipswich
Dougie gets a surprise cake
Dougie checks his cake
Keith points at Trevor's "builder's bum"
A kickabout in Andrew's back garden
Elen and Trevor in the back room
Trevor, Natalie and unknown fall asleep on the sofa
Trevor's shaved head looks like Alien
Trevor does some juggling

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