The Norwich Union Mail Coach Run, Brome, Suffolk - June 1996

John Parker and his team of Hungarian grey horses commemorate the 150th anniversary of the last mail run from London to Norwich (in 1846). Much of the A140 is still on the original coaching route, and the Swan at Brome was one of the original stops. There's a great turnout for the event, and the entourage includes athlete Kris Akabusi. The whole run is completed after covering the record-breaking 139 miles in just 21.5 hours.

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These are cropped thumbnails. Click on an image to view the full photograph.

Crowds mill around outside the Brome Swan
Crowds wait for the coach to arrive
The coach pulls off the A140
The coach-and-four pulls up outside the pub
John Parker leads the coach to a stop
Kris Akabusi signs autographs
Kris Akabusi surrounded by vrowds
Mail coach action
Spammy gets a Kris Akabusi autograph
The coach pulls away towards Norwich

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