title Lunch and Dinner at Mad Sue's, Stuston, Suffolk - 30th March 1995 intro It's a round-up of lunch and dinner around Mad Sue's in Stuston, which book-ends some off-roading with Geoff and Brenda on their own home-made back garden course scan2020-02-13-0001 Sue does one of her trademark mad shapes scan2020-02-13-0002 Sue, Geoff and Brenda scan2020-02-13-0004 Geoff and Brenda, with some roast dinner scan2020-02-13-0005 Brenda tries to hide scan2020-02-13-0044 Sue in her kitchen scan2020-02-13-0045 More mad dancing, of sorts scan2020-02-13-0046 Brenda's hiding again scan2020-02-13-0047 Sue does some hacking with an electric knife scan2020-02-13-0049 Sue gets some more potatoes scan2020-02-13-0013 A vehicle has tipped over, as Charlie Bird looks on scan2020-02-13-0022 Dee Antoniades on on her side scan2020-02-13-0015 The Jeep is properly stuck in a hole scan2020-02-13-0020 More pushing up of vehicles scan2020-02-13-0016 Brenda drives around scan2020-02-13-0021 Geoff gets the Daihatsu stuck scan2020-02-13-0036 Brenda and Geoff, around Sue's again for dinner scan2020-02-13-0037 Sue with a stack of bowls scan-130822-0005 Sue does another crazy move scan-130822-0006 Slurping from the bottle of wine