Christmas in Macclesfield and at New Year at The Brome Swan - December 1994

It's time for Chrimbo, which means firstly a trip to Macclesfield to see The Old Man. Nosher cooks dinner which consists of boned-and-stuffed partridge-in-a-pheasant-in-a-turkey, and which takes about three days to prepare and about half an hour to eat. Nosher's cousin Steve is over from New Zealand, as well as Katie - Dad's on/off companion, Mel - Nosher's half-sister and Sis - Nosher's whole-sister. Then, it's back to Suffolk for a New Year's Eve party up at the Brome Swan - Nosher's local.

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These are cropped thumbnails. Click on an image to view the full photograph.

The dinner table: Steve, Mel, The Old Chap, Katie and Sis

The dinner table: Steve, Mel, The Old Chap, Katie and Sis

It's present-opening time

It's present-opening time

Sis prepares to open something

Sis prepares to open something

Even Brandy - Dad's faithful retriever - gets a pressie to chew on

Even Brandy - Dad's faithful retriever - gets a pressie to chew on

In the Swan: John and Arline Lummas

In the Swan: John and Arline Lummas

Barry, Spammy and John Willy - with his nipple out

Barry, Spammy and John Willy - with his nipple out

Bill, Paul, Wavy and Jon

Bill, Paul, Wavy and Jon



Party Poppers are pulled

Party Poppers are pulled

Spammy pulls another popper

Spammy pulls another popper

Alan and Sylvie

Alan and Sylvie

Spammy gets in to the swing of things

Spammy gets in to the swing of things

Roger and Pippa

Roger and Pippa

Bill and Lorraine

Bill and Lorraine

The boys form a pile of bodies on the floor. Spammy legs it

The boys form a pile of bodies on the floor. Spammy legs it

Mikey-P and Andy

Mikey-P and Andy

More people join in with the body heap

More people join in with the body heap

John Willy squirts Wavy's parts with silly string. Wavy seems to be enjoying it.

John Willy squirts Wavy's parts with silly string. Wavy seems to be enjoying it.

Aunty Caroline, Grandmother and Uncle Neil at Blickling Hall

Aunty Caroline, Grandmother and Uncle Neil at Blickling Hall


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