The Diss Raft Race, Diss Mere, Norfolk - June 1992

It's another good turnout for the annual Diss Raft Race, held on the Mere.

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These are cropped thumbnails. Click on an image to view the full photograph.

The "Puddle Jumper" paddles around the Mere
The Radio Broadland roadshow
Darren Woods, from Printec/BPCC Anglia Web
The scene over the park and Mere
Jan - a former next-door neighbour, and ambluance driver - paddles about with her "hoverlance" team
Another make-shift raft
A coming-together of rafts
One of the Radio Broadland DJs does a spot
The RAF band
"Eddie" the Elephant, made out of drinks cans
More rafting action
Diss Mere, and a bunch of rafts

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