Christmas and New Year, Stuston and Plymouth - December 1991

Nosher goes round to Geoff and Brenda's for a toga party, then there's a trip to Stuston Church for the Christmas carol gig. Shortly afterwards, it looks like a trip down to Devon for Christmas day, and then back to the Swan for New Year's Eve. Christmas day in Devon is memorable for the Calor gas tank in the garden that fuels the heating and the cooker had run out on Christmas morning. Luckily, Nosher was still in touch with university chum Anglela's parents who live 30 miles away near Totnes. So in a panic, Nosher and Mike head over to borrow an electric cooker that happened to be lying around in their cowshed, and we get it back and strap it in to the fuse-board with a couple of lengths of 2.5mm twin-and-earth. And so is saved Christmas dinner. The following day, the gas dudes arrive and fill up the tank, thus also saving the heating.

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These are cropped thumbnails. Click on an image to view the full photograph.

Sue, David 'Corky', Bren, Linda, Geoff, Monique and Keith in Stuston Church

Sue, David "Corky", Bren, Linda, Geoff, Monique and Keith in Stuston Church

Around John and Sheila's for some pre-Chrimbo nibbles

Around John and Sheila's for some pre-Chrimbo nibbles

Linda and co

Linda and co

Geoff and 'Mad' Sue floic around in togas

Geoff and "Mad" Sue floic around in togas

Geoff raises his toga in Bren's general direction

Geoff raises his toga in Bren's general direction

In the kitchen

In the kitchen

Sue checks her bra strap. Sheila and John look on

Sue checks her bra strap. Sheila and John look on

Corky and the bloke who sings

Corky and the bloke who sings

Togas in the kitchen

Togas in the kitchen

Mother opens some pressies

Mother opens some pressies

Mike pours the wine

Mike pours the wine

Mike carves the venison joint, cooked in the emergency cooker in the hall

Mike carves the venison joint, cooked in the emergency cooker in the hall

Mother, Grandmother and Mike

Mother, Grandmother and Mike

Sylvie, Clairsie and Alan

Sylvie, Clairsie and Alan

John Willy does a v's-up

John Willy does a v's-up

Spammy and John

Spammy and John

'Big' Al and Sylvia

"Big" Al and Sylvia

Spammy, Barry, John 'willy' and Davina

Spammy, Barry, John "willy" and Davina

Colin, Jill and their friend

Colin, Jill and their friend

Sylvia with a rubber glove

Sylvia with a rubber glove

Helen and Spammy

Helen and Spammy

Colin covers his nips up in a display of modesty

Colin covers his nips up in a display of modesty

Sylvia, Claire and 'Nana'

Sylvia, Claire and "Nana"

Doin' the Auld Lang Syne thing

Doin' the Auld Lang Syne thing

Roger and Pippa

Roger and Pippa


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