title Bonfire Night and Printec at the Stoke Ash White Horse, Suffolk - 5th November 1991 intro It's another year and another bonfire night burn-up/barbeque around Geoff and Brenda's. Then, Printec are have one of their regular get-together/reunions at the Stoke Ash White Horse. scan-130206-0001 Monique, Jean and Linda wave sparklers around scan-130206-0012 Monique looks positively terrified of her sparkler scan-130206-0016 Geoff hurls sticks in to the bonfire scan-130206-0017 Glowing embers scan-130206-0021 A ton of sausages and burgers scan-130206-0019 Sue does another version of her fire dance scan-130206-0020 Sue, Mike Ogilsby and Brenda on the barbeque scan-130206-0022 Sue and another fire dance moment scan-130206-0018 Inside, Sue replicates her famous fire dance scan-130206-0007 Spam Frosdyke looks over scan-130206-0008 Baz, Monique and Jackie scan-130206-0010 kelly puts on a bit of a pout scan-130206-0014 Spam gives Nosher a hug scan-130206-0015 Nosher has to climb over Crispy for some reason scan-130206-0013 Alison Nightingale scan-130206-0003 Alison again scan-130206-0006 Wendy Saunders and some puddings scan-130206-0004 Wendy giggles scan-130206-0005 Kelly has an ennui moment