title A Stuston Bonfire Night, Suffolk - 5th November 1989 intro It's Bonfire Night, and Geoff and Brenda are having a bit of a do at their place in Stuston. scan-120419-0002 Steve and Sam hold something up scan-120419-0003 Brenda's dishing out the onions scan-120419-0004 Sam waves a very smokey sparkler around scan-120419-0005 David Cork looks after the meat scan-130107-0018 Sam roams around with a sparkler scan-120419-0019 Sparkler action scan-120419-0021 Brenda waves a sparkler about scan-120419-0020 Sam disappears in a cloud of smoke scan-130107-0012 A raging bonfire scan-130107-0011 The bonfire continues scan-120419-0048 Sam gets some cider scan-120419-0007 A dude in the kitchen scan-120419-0008 Caught in the act scan-120419-0009 Sam, Sue and Steve scan-120419-0010 Steve gives it all the thumbs up scan-120419-0012 A table-full of food scan-120419-0018 Steve and Sam eat in unison scan-120419-0056 Sue tries to hide scan-120419-0054 Multiple conversations scan-120419-0011 Mingling in the dining room scan-120419-0055 Steve, David, Sam, Sue and Linda in the kitchen scan-120419-0057 Nosher is perched up on the worktop scan-120419-0053 Steve and Brenda try some random hats on