title Mother, Mike and Sean Visit, Stuston, Suffolk - 1st September 1989 intro Mother and Mike come down to visit Nosher in his new Stuston pad. For evening dinner, we visit the Fox and Goose at Fressingfield, after Mike nips over to Great Yarmouth to pick his mother up. Also, around the same time, Sean and Maria come over to visit for a couple of days. scan-130107-0001 Mike and Mother in the Fox and Goose scan-130107-0010 Post-dinner coffee in the Fox and Goose scan-130107-0002 Mother, Mike and Mike's mother outside the restaurant scan-130107-0003 Mother and Mike stand outside the front door of The Stables scan-130107-0004 Another posed door-step shot scan-130107-0019 Mother, Mike and Mike's Saab 9000 scan-130107-0015 The lounge, dimly lit scan-130107-0013 Sean grabs hold of a reluctant Maria scan-130107-0022 Another of Sean and Maria scan-130107-0014 Sean, Maria and a scary carpet in The Stables