title Uni: The BABS End-of-Course Ball, New Continental Hotel, Plymouth - 21st June 1989 intro It's the end of the BA Business Studies course and to celebrate there's a bit of a do at the New Continental Hotel. Everyone's done up in the requisite tuxedos or suits'n'ties, and there's also a spoof awards ceremony in which Bray-feature wins something. scan-120213-0011 Kate and Dave scan-120213-0012 Riki holds up the menu scan-120213-0013 Andy Grove, Andy Bray, Chris, John and Riki scan-120213-0015 Riki in a tux scan-120213-0045 Dobbs and Caroline scan-120213-0058 Caroline, Dave and Kate scan-120213-0019 Dave and Rebecca scan-120213-0021 Dave, Chris and Rebecca scan-120213-0022 One of the lecturers does a speech scan-120213-0023 Andy Dobie and Kate Solly scan-120213-0026 Andrew and Beccy scan-120213-0027 Kate, Dave and Caroline Gage scan-120213-0050 Dave Masterson and John scan-120213-0029 Alison Rowe, Jackie and Michelle Osborne scan-120213-0035 Rebecca Drummond-Hall scan-120213-0039 More awards scan-120213-0041 Bill Cole does a speech scan-120213-0043 The gang scan-120213-0044 Jackie and friend scan-120213-0047 Andy Bray strides over scan-120213-0048 Andy picks up an award from Brian Smith scan-120213-0037 Bray-feature walks back with his "award" scan-120213-0042 Alun Evans gets an award scan-120213-0038 Michelle does the walk of shame scan-120213-0049 Andrew and Rebecca have a dance scan-120213-0034 Andrew and Becky do some dancing scan-120312-0034 Kate and Dobbs have a dance scan-120213-0052 Beccy and Riki scan-120213-0053 Andrew pours some wine scan-120213-0055 The boys scan-120213-0056 Caroline Gage and one of the German students scan-120213-0059 Angela and Nosher scan-120213-0025 Jackie and Andrew scan-120312-0032 Andrew points at Nosher scan-120312-0031 Becky scan-120312-0026 John Maloney receives a prize or gift scan-120312-0027 John Maloney and a bottle of whiskey scan-120312-0028 Foaming fizz scan-120312-0025 Dave and another student scan-120312-0012 Becky looks over scan-120213-0060 Andy's got a cigar on scan-120213-0020 Dobbs is on the cigars scan-120213-0017 John and Angela scan-120213-0031 Fizz is popped scan-120213-0033 Caroline's geezer pours some fizz scan-120213-0051 Angela's yellow dress scan-120213-0040 Caroline Gage looks over scan-120213-0057 Disco dancing scan-120213-0028 John Stuart comes over