title Somans: Nosher's 21st Birthday at the Soman-Wherry Press, Norwich, Norfolk - 26th May 1988 intro It's Nosher's 21st birthday, an event which occurs whilst on placement from Plymouth Poly, at the Soman-Wherry Press in Norwich. Upon arrival at work, Nosher discovers that his desk and immediate office area has been decorated up and there are some presents and cards, as well as a bit of cake, featuring Simon Berry, Don Dawson, Valerie, Brian Coleman, Rachel, Sue, Nosher, Adrian Tallack and Mike Perkins. Later on, we head down to the Dolphin up the road from Heigham Street for a lunchtime beer. The following weekend, Sean and Maria come to visit. Sean gets his briefcase nicked whilst his car is parked up in St. Stephen's car park in Norwich, and then it breaks down outside Nosher's pad - Sewell's Cottages in Red House, near Aylsham. scan-120102-0002 Nosher cuts the cake scan-120102-0003 Getting a kiss from Rachel "Nobby" Clarke scan-120102-0004 Rachel, Nosher, Sue, Valerie and Beryl scan-120102-0011 The decorated desk, with a Wang and an Opus PC IV scan-120102-0013 A present of a box of Mars bars scan-120102-0001 Nosher slices cake scan-120102-0014 Checking out a gift tag scan-120102-0016 An office group photo scan-120102-0017 Valerie and Sue sort the cake out scan-120102-0018 Jo, Rachel and Sue in the Dolphin scan-120102-0019 Sue, other Sue and Valerie scan-120102-0020 Sue, Valerie, "Fishy" Herring and Mike scan-120102-0021 Nosher sticks a condom on his head scan-120102-0022 Taking a breath at Sewell's Cottages scan-120102-0023 Sean's car is hauled off to a garage scan-120102-0009 A sunset over the fields of North Norfolk scan-120102-0006 Sunset through trees scan-120102-0005 A hazy sunset