title Uni: The Pirate RAG Hit Squad, Plymouth Polytechnic, Devon - 8th February 1987 intro The RAG Hit Squad is in action, and this year they could be commissioned to target anyone, anywhere - including a Science Block lesson - with their mix of flour, water, eggs, worse, or everything at once. A couple of weeks before that, we're in the car park of the Theatre Royal where PPSU president Mark Wilkins and bar manager Roy Gardner are presenting a RAG cheque to Paul Henry, aka Benny from Crossroads, for Children in Need. r02 Paul Henry accepts a cheque from Mark and Roy scan-111209-0016 Someone gets a flouring in the SU pyramid scan-120105-0009 The end result of a few shaving-foam pies scan-120105-0008 A paper plate of shaving foam scan-120105-0023 A blurry victim scan-120105-0024 A plastic cup is caught in mid air scan-111209-0009 People hang around outside the SU entrance scan-111209-0001 The Hit Squad runs up from the Engineering Block armed with buckets scan-111209-0010 There's a rumble with buckets scan-111209-0002 A confrontation builds scan-111209-0005 Someone's got a bin on the head scan-111209-0012 All-out flour war scan-111209-0006 A mass flour bundle scan-111209-0003 There's a massive cloud of flour scan-111209-0004 The flour battle continues scan-111209-0011 The war continues scan-111209-0014 Goo from cans is tipped out scan-120213-0024 A Hit Squad victim scan-120213-0025 The Hit Squad moves in scan-120105-0003 A victim cowers scan-120105-0004 There's a hit in the Science block scan-120105-0019 A foamed science student scan-120105-0002 A lunchtime victim scan-120105-0021 Someone gets attacked with a smelly sock scan-120105-0020 Karen Wilkins and others in the SU offices scan-111209-0020 Some balaclava Hit Squad members scan-111209-0018 Another victim scan-111209-0017 The victim wanders off scan-111209-0015 This one got off lightly scan-111209-0021 Unspeakable yellow goo is poured over a vitim scan-111209-0025 Everything is tipped on scan-111209-0019 The hit Squad moves off after a flouring on the stage scan-111209-0022 A victim struggles to stand up under the weight of goo scan-111209-0013 An egged victim scan-120105-0007 Time to reflect, whilst covered in foam scan-120105-0010 The Hit Squad is ready with shaving-foam pies scan-120105-0001 The Hit Squad is unmasked in the SU office scan-111209-0023 A Hit Squad members gives it two fingers scan-111209-0008 The Hit Squad in disguise, apart from Dunwoody