Torquay, Yeovil and Shaftesbury - 1989
A trip to visit Angela's friend over in Torquay, and then tagging along with Kate Solly and Michelle Osbourne to Yeovil where one of the two had a placement job interview, and a stop-off at Shaftesbury (and to see Gold Hill, the site of the old 70s and 80s "Hovis" adverts).
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These are cropped thumbnails. Click on an image to view the full photograph.
Nosher and Angela visit Angela's friend Jane in Torquay |
Kate and Michelle Osbourne go to Yeovil for an interview, so Nosher tags along for the ride |
The famous Gold Hill in Shaftesbury - scene of the old "Hovis" adverts of the 70s and 80s |
On the M5 on the way back to Plymouth |
Stopping off at one of Kate's friends somewhere in Somerset | ||
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