The Fourth Year: Trips around Wyndham Square - 1988-89
Not all the time was spent being a student (and a good deal less if you were Nosher), so it was not uncommon to bugger off up to Dartmoor in the middle of the night for a run-around: 2am over the top of the moor sometimes listening to Radio Luxembourg on the car radio. Sometimes Kate would let Nosher drive her car around the twisty roads in the dark even though it was several years before Nosher got his driving licence. Ooh err...
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These are cropped thumbnails. Click on an image to view the full photograph.
Kate, Jackie and Caroline Gage at the Walkhampton Inn, on Dartmoor |
A trip in Kate's Fiesta at 2am to Badger's Holt on the moor |
We find a shop with a "pastie" sign on it, which deserves to be pointed at |
We often used to pile into phone boxes for photos |
Another pub |
Down in the Students' Union |
Nosher on horseback on one of our occasional hacks onto the moor |
Becky looking horsey in jodhpurs |
Nosher takes a photo from his horse |
At a pub after another day's horse riding |
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