The new MPF1 Plus - The lowest cost single-borad computer available with all these features! The MPF1 Plus from Taiwan-based Multitech Corporation, and sold as part of its Microprofessor range, was a Z80-based single-board computer primarily intended as a machine-code development platform or an educational computer. It was an upgrade to the earlier MPF1 which had been released in the summer of 1982. It improved over the earlier version by having a full QWERTY keyboard, rather than 16 hexadecimal keys and 19 control keys, and an improved display which could now show a "full" 20 characters. Although relatively expensive at £165 including VAT and carriage, or around [[165|1983]], it reviewed well, with Ken Alexander writing in November 1983's Electronics and Computing Monthly that: ~"The MPF-1 Plus is a distinct improvement on the MPF-1 with many powerful features added to the facilities of the original machine. The standard of construction was high and coupled with the wealth of documentation provided, the system is indeed a powerful software development tool. At £140 the plus versino of the system is more expensive than most of the "designed down" consumer computers". The previous model had sold around 3,000 units, and even had its own user club[source: MPF1-Plus Reviewed, Electronics and Computing Monthly, November 1983, pp. 32-33].