First time on Earth - Sharp MZ-80B Perhaps unique in laying claim to some sort of extra-terrestrial origin, comes this advert for the Sharp MZ-80B. The "large" integrated screen had 320x300 pixel resolution and its processor was a Zilog Z80. It was a spin-off from the relatively popular[source:] MZ-80K home computer series, launched in 1979, and was aimed at business. Note the cunningly-disguised tape deck in the top-right corner of the machine, desperately trying to look like something way cooler. [picture: mz80b_nun_percw_feb82.webp|Sister Mary Agnes and the first UK installation of the MZ-80B. From PCW, February 1982] In a continuation of the heavenly theme, the first UK installation of the MZ-80B was at the Notre Dame Convent in Cobham, Surrey. PCW's February 1982 issue even showed the school's headmistress - Sister Mary Agnes - at the keyboard[source: "Newsprint", PCW, February 1982, p. 65]. Guy Kewney wrote in that issue's Newsprint that ~"As a first it comes as a surprise, because dealers have been saying how nice the B is for so long I hadn't realised they weren't installed before."