Radio Times, 18th October 1962

Some photographs of part of a copy of The Radio Times, from October 1962. It contained some interesting stuff about the US Moon program, a cover of Michael Bentine, an article about Brian Blessed and a day in the life of, what would today be the outrageous, Black and White Minstrels

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A carpet-cleaner (1001) competition to win an all-expenses trip around the world with �1001 spending money!

A carpet-cleaner (1001) competition to win an all-expenses trip around the world with �1001 spending money!

Michael Bentine on the cover

Michael Bentine on the cover

"Destination Moon" article


One "Bill Gates" writes an article about Workers' Playtime

Brian Blessed and his astronomy hobby

Brian Blessed and his astronomy hobby

Advertisement for a

Advertisement for a "000"-gauge railway set

Sooty and Sweep

Sooty and Sweep

Dai Francis tells of life in the Black & White Minstrels

Dai Francis tells of life in the Black & White Minstrels

How nice it would be if houses still only cost �5,000

How nice it would be if houses still only cost �5,000

Jack Warner as

Jack Warner as "Dixon of Dock Green"

Detail on the

Detail on the "Destination Moon" programme, showing a Saturn rocket (Saturn 3? it's not a 5...)

It's true: Lenny the Lion and Terry Hall really have been around for ever

It's true: Lenny the Lion and Terry Hall really have been around for ever

�6 per week would now only buy 2-and-a-half pints of beer

�6 per week would now only buy 2-and-a-half pints of beer


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