title The Scouts' Remembrance Day Parade, Eye, Suffolk - 13th November 2022 intro Harry's in the Scouts' Remembrance Day parade, although only just as he's not especially keen to be in it at all. The parade does the usual thing - heading down Lambseth Street and up Church Street with a service at the church, whilst Nosher does a brief diversion around town whilst waiting to that to finish. After the service, the parade returns to the Town Hall where the Scouts are paid off with the traditional chocolates. Later on, Nosher and Isobel go for a walk around the Oaksmere's grounds on a mission to look for mushrooms. imgp9315 The parade assembles outside the Fire Station imgp9316 Bruce starts to assemble the parade imgp9324 Beavers, Cubs and Scouts pile up behind the flag imgp9328 Beavers lead the Scouts up Lambseth Street imgp9330 Harry's Scout massive stomps up the road imgp9333 The parade reaches the Town Hall imgp9337 Various Scouts assemble by the War Memorial imgp9338 Various Scouts hold on to flags imgp9341 The Proctor of Eye does a speech imgp9342 The Salvation Army band is in attendance imgp9344 Dan Poulter, MP, heads the march off imgp9346 The rest of the parade is ready to march off imgp9356 The Scouts set forth again imgp9358 The parade moves up Church Street imgp9363 Church Street and the massed parade imgp9372 The great and the good enter the church imgp9376 The derelict council offices imgp9377 Morrisons is shutting down the McColls Blue Shop imgp9378 A new wooden fence goes up around Paddock House imgp9379 The derelict Paddock House imgp9380 Piles of bricks outside Paddock House imgp9385 The Flag Bearers line up outside the church imgp9391 The parade returns to the Town Hall imgp9394 Doctor Dan chats to someone imgp9402 The flags line up outside the Twon Hall imgp9407 Soph the Roph looks back imgp9411 The Mayor of Eye thanks the parade imgp9418 The parade breaks up imgp9422 Tea and biscuits are served in the Town Hall imgp9424 Bruce chats to the Mayor of Eye imgp9426 The town mace is abandoned by a sink imgp9428 Eye's War Memorial imgp9430 A bank of cloud has a curious hole in it imgp9432 We find some mushrooms next to the Oaksmere imgp9433 Isobel gets a close-up mushroom photo imgp9434 A shaggy mushroom imgp9437 A side view of the shaggy mushrooms imgp9441 Isobel roams around looking for fungi