title A Walk up Rapsy Tapsy Lane, Eye, Suffolk - 9th May 2020 intro We make another attempt to reach Rapsy Tapsy Lane, which we succeed in and find that it was completely worth the effort, as it's a lovely spot. Before that, there's another family-only barbeque imgp0696 Isobel does a paella imgp0699 Nosher's homebrew is keeping us going imgp0700 Harry's on a tablet again imgp0708 Fred does a marshmallow imgp0710 Boris is back-lit imgp0717 Fred tries out the lawnmower for the first time imgp0718 We walk past the old council offices in Eye imgp0720 Isobel and Harry on Magdalene Street imgp0721 We pass a thatched cottage imgp0722 The old railway buildings at the chicken factory imgp0723 Fred spots some sort of insect on the road imgp0724 Isobel and Harry wait again imgp0727 A derelict house imgp0728 The derelict house on Magdalene Street imgp0732 The wind turbines and a field of barley imgp0733 Isobel and Harry walk down the road imgp0735 The "no horse and buggy" sign is almost overgrown imgp0740 Rapsy Tapsy Lane is a bit overgrown imgp0741 Isobel looks back imgp0746 We make it to the bridge over the stream imgp0748 Time for a mini picnic imgp0751 The view at the bridge imgp0758 Harry does some moves imgp0759 Fred eats some sort of sugar string thing imgp0764 Fred raids the backpack for more food imgp0767 The gang on the lane imgp0770 An abandoned oil canister imgp0774 Harry runs back and forth imgp0776 Isobel and Fred imgp0777 A dessicated and squashed rabbit imgp0778 The WWII fuse hut again imgp0785 An orange-tipped fritillary imgp0790 Isobel looks around imgp0791 Fred takes another photo imgp0792 We walk the tractor lines across a field imgp0795 A tangle of concrete reinforcing wire imgp0799 We're nearly back at Hartismere imgp0800 Harry and Isobel on Castleton Way imgp0801 A solitary poppy imgp0803 There's a pair of pilot sunglasses up a tree imgp0805 Fred walks past the chicken-factory graffiti imgp0807 Some nice lilac flowers imgp0809 The old railway-station buildings again imgp0810 A nice flint wall imgp0811 Near the Queen's Head in Eye imgp0812 A well-worn sign