title Elbow at High Lodge, Brandon, Suffolk - 29th June 2017 intro It's the second gig in the same week, this time to see the band Elbow in the pleasant forest setting of High Lodge, near Thetford. The band played a good mixture of old and new stuff, and whilst being broadly mellow could certainly rock things up when required. The hour delay horror of getting in to the venue was offset by the ease of getting out, as the venue opened up several off-road tracks which allowed us to swiftly escape through the dark forest. imgc6646 The view from the back imgc6648 The gig kicks off imgc6649 Purple lights imgc6651 The crowd is largely of the older generation imgc6654 Guy Garvey gives it some under pink light imgc6670 The band wigs out for a bit imgc6673 Guy Garvey and the band imgc6692 Elbow in a quieter moment imgc6697 Audience participation imgc6706 Guy Garvey points out to the crowd imgc6714 The band thanks the crowd after the encore imgc6716 Streaming back to the makeshift forest car parks imgc6717 A car park under bright lights