title A Ross Street Reunion, Hoxne, Suffolk - 25th January 2014 intro Annette - one of Isobel's "Ross Street Gang" in Cambridge - is over to visit from Australia via Liege in Belgium, so Isobel arranges to meet up with Matt and former Ross Street accomplice Emma in the Hoxne Swan for a spot of lunch. There's also some building randomness, and the train back from work is heavily covered in graffiti. imgc2130 The kitchen chimney is removed imgc2136 Rays of light reflect off the Shard imgc2141 The DVT on the 17:35 at Diss has been tagged with graffiti imgc2142 Coach B has also got a bit of graffiti on it imgc2144 Train graffiti imgc2147 Fred's made a robot body and a sword out of cardboard imgc2149 Fred and the sword imgc2151 Fred after swimming at Archbishop Sancroft school in Harleston imgc2152 In the Hoxne Swan, Gabes reaches over for the salt imgc2153 Fred digs something out of his Lego box imgc2157 Harry does some sketching imgc2158 In the Hoxne Swan imgc2160 Matt and Emma imgc2161 The Cambridge posse imgc2164 The Swan's big open fire imgc2168 Matt and Fred do some Lego™ imgc2171 Fred with a Lego/soldier construction imgc2173 The upstairs of the side extension takes shape imgc2174 Up at the Swan, Sylvia manages to get a head on a pint of cider