title A SwiftKey Hack Day, Westminster, London - 31st May 2013 intro Nosher's work - SwiftKey - holds, for the first time, a double "innovation day" in a hired space in the New Zealand consulate called "The Hub", just round the back of Trafalgar Square in London's Haymarket. There's even the offer of floor space to crash the night, which is a bonus as it means a pizza-fuelled late-night hack-fest, instead of having to catch the 4pm train home. The evening includes a showing of the film "Hackers", which although not meant to be, proves to be quite the comedy for its ludicrous fantasy interpretations of the World of Geek. It's also especially fun as it's the first time Nosher has cycled through that part of London since the late 1980s and early 90s. imgp1550 Nosher arrives fro Liverpool Street at 11am imgp1551 Hacking is in full swing already imgp1552 The first food arrives imgp1554 Meat pies arrive for lunch imgp1555 Błażej and Alex mean business imgp1556 A bizarre prop: fake grass in a wheelbarrow imgp1557 Signs dangle frmo the ceiling imgp1558 Bea chats to Lachie in the lunch queue imgp1560 The queue for lunch imgp1561 Intently checking Facebook imgp1563 Chris holds up a cartoon sketch imgp1564 Lachie works on something imgp1565 More hacking imgp1566 James looks at whatever Alex is working on imgp1567 Caroline works on something imgp1568 Joe in the Hub imgp1569 Doug discusses stuff with Páidí imgp1570 A pile of empty Peroni bottles imgp1571 Craig helps to spread out the pizzas imgp1572 Pizzas are ready for the evening feed imgp1575 Pizza for dinner imgp1576 Chet's bicycle experiment by night imgp1577 Doug eats a hole through his breakfast pastry imgp1578 Tom and Alex do something with a drum kit imgp1581 Alex plays drums imgp1583 Chet investigates something imgp1584 The end of Nosher's session at 3pm on Friday