title Working at Samsung, and Geumosan Mountain, Gumi, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea - 24th June 2012 intro For the first time since 2008, Nosher's off abroad for work. This time it's to South Korea and the industrial city of Gumi in Gyeongbuk province, for two weeks working at Samsung. It's an intersting gig in a large office complex, with an even larger canteen which seems to hold about 1,000 staff at a time - oh, and everything for lunch really does come with kimchi, and there are fruity vinegar drinks available from a machine afterwards. There's also airport-style security going in and out, with x-ray machines and everything. This sadly means that photography is forbidden as even mobile phones have to have their cameras taped over. The hotel, meanwhile, is in the middle of what amounts to a huge industrial estate made up of a few electronics mega-corporations - including Samsung and LG - and a whole heap of small industrial business units. On the up-side, there are a few restaurants on the road and there's a convenience store right opposite which sells beer. Which is just as well, as the local TV is pretty appalling (and it's nothing to do with the language barrier), although as it's generally nine hours in the office followed by two or three catching up with London, it doesn't really matter that much. Besides, there's always BBC 6Music on the internet. Anyway, during the two weeks there, the only real time off is on the two Sundays, but there's a chance for a catch up on the Saturday night of arrival with a beer in downtown Gumi with Chris and Hyosoo. The first big trip is up the nearby Geumosan Mountain, which at 976 metres doesn't sound too high, but it rises pretty much straight out of the flat alluvial plain in which Gumi lies. Hyosoo, who's with Nosher and his showing him the Korean ropes, and Chris from work who's stayed on for a couple of days to help hand over the reins, decide to climb it as a Sunday activity, with Chris having already done it the week before. The total hike is about seven kilometers, followed by another two or three walking back towards Gumi, which combined with some fairly vertical scrambling, is intensly hard work. However, the view over Gumi from the top of the mountain is worth it, and the various Buddhist temples and interesting features on the way add to the enjoyment. imgp4137 An Air India 777 sits on the stand imgp4139 A Korean Air on the apron at Gatwick imgp4142 At Incheon airport imgp4144 A traffic marshall outside Incheon airport imgp4146 Funky bridge on the way to Incheon City imgp4147 Loads of signs all over a building imgp4151 Wibbly buildings imgp4152 Some sort of food production imgp4154 A DVD shop imgp4155 The snack shack imgp4156 At the bus station imgp4158 The bin cleaners appear imgp4159 A dude pushes a big wheelbarrow around imgp4160 Bus station shopping mall imgp4162 At the bus station services imgp4163 The bright lights of Gumi imgp4165 Loads of neon imgp4168 Chris and Hyosoo imgp4170 Korean street food imgp4172 More street food imgp4173 We continue on the quest for Hite or Cass beer imgp4174 Another pop-up snack van by night imgp4175 Chris in a bar somewhere imgp4177 A street view from behind teddy bears imgp4179 A urinal with an ash tray and ice imgp4180 Outside WaBar imgp4181 Another late-night food place imgp4183 Gumi back street at night imgp4187 It's a fairly grim view from the hotel window imgp4189 Chris photographs our route before we set off imgp4190 Curious stone mounds, like beehives imgp4193 Several large stone "cairns" are dotted about imgp4195 Chris has a drink imgp4196 Chris and Hyosoo on the trail imgp4198 Yaksaam temple imgp4199 A Buddhist bell at Yaksaam Temple imgp4200 Chinese calligraphy and ornate painting imgp4203 A seated Buddha imgp4206 Hyosoo and Chris walk through a temple gate imgp4207 Temple art imgp4209 The God of the North Wind plays a lute imgp4213 A flight of stone steps imgp4215 Another impressive temple interior imgp4218 Curious pock-marked "moai" imgp4219 A row of praying Buddhas imgp4220 Surveying the scene imgp4222 A view down the valley to Gumi imgp4224 Walkers on the path imgp4230 Some dude does some moves in Doseongul Cave imgp4231 Hyosoo and Chris negotiate the narrow path imgp4232 Sometimes is a real effort to pass imgp4233 Crowds in a cool glade imgp4234 A picnic at hanging rock imgp4237 Chris and Hyosoo on a rock somewhere imgp4244 Chris and Hyosoo at the top of Geumosan Mountain imgp4248 Nosher at the top of the mountain imgp4250 Hyosoo roams around imgp4251 Offerings of water are made imgp4253 Chris stands out on an outcrop of rock imgp4256 Hyosoo looks out over Gumi, one kilometre below imgp4261 Hyosoo tops up our water stash at a spring-fed tap imgp4268 A Buddhist temple defended with razor wire imgp4269 We take a break imgp4271 Back at the bottom, there's a picnic in the river imgp4277 The statue of some dude by the lake imgp4279 A small green car covered in pompoms imgp4280 A back alley imgp4282 We stop for a full-on Korean lunch imgp4284 We get stuck in to a good spread of Korean food imgp4285 Outside, a new-but-retro bus trundles around imgp4287 Korean restaurant signs imgp4290 A look back at the peak just climbed imgp4291 Back in the hotel room imgp4292 Industrial estate action imgp4295 The Gumi Century Hotel, on the right imgp4304 A giant bowling pin imgp4305 Another light-industrial back alley imgp4306 A row of harware shops imgp4307 A pile of power tools on the pavement imgp4308 The whole area around the hotel is like this imgp4309 Looking down the street to the hotel imgp4310 A one-way street imgp4311 Some dude actually visits one of the shops imgp4313 A whole stack of fans and ducts imgp4315 A wet street in the evening imgp4316 The Gumi Century imgp4319 Nosher's local restaurant imgp4331 The Family Mart over the road, source of Cass Red imgp4343 Samsung's factory looks like it's on fire imgp4350 The film "Source Code" is going on somewhere