title The Tour of Britain, Brome, Suffolk - 17th September 2011 intro The Tour of Britain cycle race steams through Brome on the way from Bury St Edmunds to Sandringham. It's the biggest sporting event at the pub since the Norwich Union Mail Coach run of 1996, although it's over in minutes after the two groups of cyclists pile through. They're followed by a huge stream of backup vehicles, whilst the rozzers keep the A140 closed off, utilising probably every motorbike from the entire national police force - at least as far afield as Devon & Cornwall and London's Metropolitan Police. imgp4772 Rachel and Gov hang out by the crossroads imgp4775 Isobel and Chichi outside the Swan imgp4777 Alan, Claire and family imgp4779 The rozzers block the road off imgp4780 More of the rolling road block imgp4782 Chichi takes a photo imgp4788 Gaz looks out down the road imgp4792 Teams of motorbike rozzers keep the road closed imgp4799 An Adnams-sponsored car drives by imgp4801 Motorbike outriders steam down the B1077 imgp4805 The first peloton appears out of nowhere imgp4806 The first group head up the A140 imgp4809 Isobel, Fred and the gang mill around imgp4814 Traffic stacks up on the A140 imgp4815 A marshall waits with a whistle imgp4819 A motorbike rozzer from Devon & Cornwall imgp4828 The main group of bikes appears imgp4833 Hardcore lycra cyclists on a mission imgp4835 Mark Cavendish and another peloton imgp4840 The big group heads up the A140 towards Diss imgp4847 Support cars from all over Europe stream past imgp4851 Fred, Isobel and Lydia sit and watch imgp4852 Chichi watches the children imgp4854 Some other cyclists appear imgp4855 We retire inside the Swan imgp4860 Fred wrestles for bar towels with Alan