Bill and Carmen's Post-Wedding Thrash, Yaxley Cherry Tree, Suffolk - 8th November 2008

Nosher and Isobel hadn't been able to make Bill and Carmen's wedding gig out near Alicante in Spain, due to recent sprognation. However, they'd decided to also hold a bit of a do at the Yaxley Cherry Tree, which, being only up the road, was a feasible fixture.

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These are cropped thumbnails. Click on an image to view the full photograph.

Isobel and Fred meet Marc and Sue at the bar

Isobel and Fred meet Marc and Sue at the bar

Sue has a go of Fred

Sue has a go of Fred

Claire and Paul, with Jessica

Claire and Paul, with Jessica

Carmen and Isobel

Carmen and Isobel

The boys

The boys

Martina waves

Martina waves

Jimmy does a bit of a speech

Jimmy does a bit of a speech

Bill says few words

Bill says few words

Bill and Carmen have a bit of a dance

Bill and Carmen have a bit of a dance

Jen and Simon

Jen and Simon

Carmen roams around

Carmen roams around

Bill pretends to stab himself

Bill pretends to stab himself

Carmen and Bill cut the cake

Carmen and Bill cut the cake

Andy struts his, er, 'funky' stuff

Andy struts his, er, "funky" stuff

Martina has a look at Fred

Martina has a look at Fred

Outside, Apple and Pip get ready to cycle off in the rain

Outside, Apple and Pip get ready to cycle off in the rain


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