title The Shivers in a Tent, Jesus Green, Cambridge - 7th August 2007 intro After having set up a marquee on Jesus Green for the Cambridge Comedy Festival a few days before, the City Council decide to make the most of it and stages a small-ish music festival there too. On the Tuesday, it's a chance for the band that Isobel knows - "The Shivers", who we'd previously seen play support at the somewhat-improbable Chas and Dave gig at The Junction - to play support for Ezio, a kind of Rodrigo-y-Gabriela-esque duo with singing. The venue is a little odd, what with it being seating around round tables, but it's a good session. imgp8348 The Shivers take to the stage imgp8367 Richard gets into it imgp8391 A blue spotlight imgp8400 Richard on acoustic guitar imgp8405 The new bass player gets stuck in imgp8423 Richard looks out at the crowd imgp8428 A patterened acoustic guitar imgp8437 Pensive drummer imgp8455 The rhythm guitar dude imgp8467 More bass action imgp8485 Richard flips the bird in chord form imgp8489 A bit of wood, literally imgp8511 The mixing desk imgp8528 The guy out of Ezio imgp8561 Ezio do their thing imgp8580 Ezio on stage