title Cowes Weekend, Cowes, Isle of Wight - 7th August 2004 intro Nosher heads down to catch a bit of Cowes Week on the Isle of Wight, seeing as how Sean is crewing for old school chum Ray on his Contessa 32, "Confusion". First, there's a bit of time to kill waiting for the ferry in Lymington, which is just enough to swing round to see Hamish. Then, once on the island, Nosher and Sean crash for the night on another boat - Drifter - and then there's a day of sailing, watching baffling swarms of boats compete in races around various bits of the Solent whilst listening in to radio commentary on Cowes FM. dcp_7217 Andrew at the Grinning Rat, Ipswich dcp_7218 Boats on the river at Lymington dcp_7219 Lymington Quay and river dcp_7220 Looking up the river dcp_7222 Swans float about dcp_7223 It's holiday season on Quay Street dcp_7224 Quay Hill, Lymington dcp_7226 Jignesh and Hamish hang around, post barbeque dcp_7228 Bruce climbs all over the sofa dcp_7230 Sunset on the river at Lymington dcp_7232 The Royal Lymington Yacht Club dcp_7233 Heading up the river on the Lymington Ferry dcp_7237 The sun goes down over the Solent dcp_7239 Cowes, on the Isle of Wight, is heaving dcp_7240 Revellers are out on the street dcp_7242 Ray and some of his crew dcp_7243 Ray and Sean dcp_7244 Ray and Crew, with Sean gurning on the right dcp_7245 Striding around Cowes dcp_7248 We get the river taxi out to the moorings dcp_7249 Sean uses the nearest, er, facility dcp_7251 Sean kicks back on the yacht Drifter dcp_7252 Nosher dcp_7254 The next morning at around 7am dcp_7256 A view up the pontoon dcp_7257 Sean roams around dcp_7262 Sean in the cockpit of Drifter dcp_7264 It's time to brush teeth dcp_7265 Back on the river taxi dcp_7267 Sean looks out dcp_7269 Breakfast in the Royal Corinthian Yacht Club dcp_7271 The crew discusses the day's racing dcp_7272 Heading out of the RCYC dcp_7274 Starting guns are prepared for the day dcp_7275 Ray's crew on a pontoon, waiting for a RIB dcp_7278 Looking back at the Island Sailing Club dcp_7280 Other crews gets ready dcp_7281 Sponsors tents get ready for the day dcp_7282 A million boats on the Solent dcp_7283 The crowds build up dcp_7284 Some racing occurs dcp_7286 People line the waterfront dcp_7289 Smoke from a starting gun drifts over the water dcp_7292 A mixture of Squibs and Redwings dcp_7296 Pennants are unfurled dcp_7297 Another starting-gun moment dcp_7299 Meanwhile, a band performs dcp_7302 Queen's Road in Cowes dcp_7304 Some sort of mini carnival passes by dcp_7305 More carnival costumes dcp_7306 The Fountain, on High Street dcp_7307 More High Street action dcp_7308 Down at the Yacht Haven dcp_7314 Ray chats to Malcolm Ford, ex Brock College dcp_7315 The post-race hangout dcp_7316 Nosher visits The Needles on the way back dcp_7318 Colourful cliffs at Alum Bay dcp_7319 The famous multi-coloured sands of Alum Bay dcp_7325 A pontoon, and the Needles light house dcp_7329 The Moonscape of Alum Bay dcp_7333 The bottom of the cable car, on the beach dcp_7335 There's a very quiet amusement park on the clifftop dcp_7337 The long pier at Yarmouth, Isle of Wight dcp_7338 Fishermen do their thing dcp_7341 There's a nice car in the car park dcp_7342 Looking up Market Square dcp_7346 The old Customs House in Yarmouth dcp_7348 The slipway outside Yarmouth Yacht Club dcp_7349 A selfie, by Yarmouth Yacht Club dcp_7350 A possibly-1950s sign, featuring Charabanc tours