title The BSCC's Evil Valentine's Day Bike Ride, Harleston, Norfolk - 14th February 2004 intro The Brome Swan Cycle Club go out for a 22-mile bike ride to Harleston in Norfolk, on a chilly and sometimes-drizzly late winter's day. Whilst at the Duke William pub, Jess, Jen and Clare appear, before they head off to Norwich for some cocktail-based booze-a-thon. dcp_8102 Alan's chain falls off on the way to Brockdish dcp_8103 Alan in the Duke William, Harleston dcp_8105 Clare, Jess and Jen arrive dcp_8108 Spam has a beer (not really) dcp_8109 At the bar of the Duke William dcp_8110 Jen chats to Wavy dcp_8111 The Boy Phil has got the beers in dcp_8112 Pippa, Alan and Apple dcp_8113 Wavy checks his change dcp_8116 Wavy writes a text dcp_8118 The landlord of the Duke William dcp_8120 Phil, Bill and Wavy by the town sign in Harleston dcp_8121 Wavy at Needham Roundabout, off the A143 dcp_8122 Wavy in a May Gurney hi-viz dcp_8124 The Boy Phil goes for a wee dcp_8125 Phil and Bill in the Hoxne Swan: Broadside £2.50 dcp_8126 Bill stops for a wee on Oakley Hill dcp_8127 Wavy spots confectionery on the road and eats it dcp_8129 We spot Pippa coming the other way dcp_8130 Wavy seems satisfied with his road-kill chocolate dcp_8136 Bill and Pippa help to pick up the rubbish dcp_8138 Bill bags another bar dcp_8139 Suey's doing some baking dcp_8141 Marc gets some cash out dcp_8142 The boys in the kebab shop dcp_8143 The Boy Phil looks at meat-on-a-stick dcp_8144 Marc and Phil round Nosher's pad