title Sis's Kitchen, Morden, London - 15th November 2001 intro Sis and Matt need some help in the kitchen of their new Morden flat, so Nosher and the Old Man rock up armed with angle grinders and so on to help out. After that, there's a return visit a few months later, where there's a visit to New Spitalfields Market and a shock discovery of a loaf of bread for over £5. dcp_2398 The Old Man pulls something out of the wall dcp_2399 Sis's kitchen, and welded-on microwave brackets dcp_2400 The old chap pokes around near a gas main dcp_2401 A cooker, and the door to the balcony dcp_2402 A pile of kitchen debris dcp_2403 The kitchen, with a classic student-style boiler dcp_2404 Some 1950s wallpaper is uncovered dcp_2405 It's time to remove the microwave brackets dcp_2407 Nosher grinds some angles dcp_4583 Sis and Matt on the tube dcp_4584 Nosher on an underground train dcp_4585 Sis and Matt on a tube train somewhere dcp_4586 Spitalfields Market, home of £5 loaves of bread dcp_4587 New Spitalfields Market