title A 747 Cockpit, Honolulu and Pearl Harbor, O'ahu, Hawai'i, United States - 20th November 1992 intro Nosher and the Old Man are off on a trip to New Zealand. On the way, we change at LA and fly to Honolulu for a couple of days' stop-over. Dad's old chum and ATCO colleague, "Fat" Barry, is on duty in air-traffic control at Manchester as we fly through Manchester control, so he has a word with the captain to mention that we're in the back. The captain duly sends a stewardess down to collect us, and we spend an hour or two on the flight-deck chatting - the co-pilot turns out to be from Nosher's home-town of Knutsford in Cheshire. As we do, we're "chasing the terminator" over Baffin and Hudson Bays and the ice-wastes of Canada - it's an amazing experience, like flying in an armchair over the earth, but the tragedy is that paranoid regulations now forbid anything like this ever happening again. Upon landing, we check out Honolulu, Waikiki beach, Pearl Harbor and North Shore, before heading off via Fiji to New Zealand. scan-130114-0012 The Old Chap talks to the pilot scan-130114-0008 The Old Chap looks back scan-130114-0007 The co-pilot does paperwork at 35,000 feet, heading west scan-130114-0041 The boys keep doing their paperwork scan-130114-0009 The view from the cockpit window at 35,000 feet scan-130114-0011 More paperwork scan-130114-0018 More flying in a 747 cockpit scan-130114-0043 The sun rises briefly as we chase the terminator scan-130114-0031 The ice floes of Canada as seen from the flightdeck at 35,000 feet scan-130114-0044 Blue ice wastes scan-130114-0036 A brief sunrise scan-130114-0042 The Old Chap leans over hw06 Our Air New Zealand 747 at Honolulu airport scan-130503-0006 On O'ahu, there's excitement to see an actual banana tree in the wild scan-130503-0011 Banana trees scan-130503-0001 A spot of Hawaiian dancing scan-130503-0007 Polynesian dancing scan-130503-0008 A Hula dancer scan-130503-0010 A bit of a ukulele moment scan-130503-0003 The Hawaiian dance troupe and a couple of ukuleles scan-130503-0002 Some massive shakers scan-130503-0016 Some sort of ceremony with wooden staves scan-130114-0002 A night market in Honolulu scan-130114-0003 More random stalls in a Honolulu night market scan-130114-0001 A candle-making stall in the market scan-130114-0005 Waikiki beach in the early morning scan-130114-0006 Waikiki beach scan-130503-0023 We do all-you-can-eat breakfast on the beach scan-130503-0024 Some boys fish off the pier scan-130503-0025 An outrigger canoe scan-130114-0013 Traffic in downtown Honolulu scan-130114-0032 A giant Poinsettia-style Christmas tree scan-130114-0033 Some kind of curious intersection marking scan-130114-0034 Big Cadillac taxis at a posh hotel in Honolulu hw13 A stretch limo in Honolulu hw15 A tiny Honolulan police vehicle scan-130114-0039 An evening at the Shore Bird Beach Broiler hw04 Some dude looks out from the USS Bowfin scan-130114-0028 Anti-aircraft gun on the Bowfin hw02 The USS Bowfin in Pearl Harbor hw01 An anti-aircraft gun scan-130114-0022 A missile and a submarine scan-130114-0014 Torpedo tubes with a "fish" in the hole scan-130114-0016 A pair of shiny torpoedoes scan-130114-0025 The submarine's diesel engine scan-130114-0029 The engine room scan-130114-0027 The forward torpedo tubes and torpedoes scan-130114-0024 Shiny copper tubes, like plumbing scan-130114-0021 A large torpedo scan-130503-0029 The USS Arizona memorial scan-130503-0019 The wreck of the USS Arizona lies just beneath the water scan-130503-0030 Part of a gun turret scan-130503-0021 The hire car, out and about on O'ahu scan-130503-0020 A plantation scan-130503-0022 Banana plantations scan-130503-0004 A waterfall scan-130503-0013 North Shore, Hawaii scan-130503-0014 Surfers and swimmers on North Shore