title Music and Snow, Stuston and Diss, Suffolk and Norfolk - 8th December 1991 intro It's snowing, so there's no better excuse to grab a pile of fertiliser bags and scoot down the hillside on nearby Stuston Common (or at least one of the bits that hasn't been turned in to a parody of nature by the golf club). Afterwards, there's a bit of a musical moment around Nosher's Stuston pad as next-door neighbour Janet and boyfriend David come round (the latter with flute), as do landlords Geoff and Brenda. scan-130110-0005 Geoff hauls his fertilizer bag back up the hill scan-130110-0006 Geoff helps Janet up the hill scan-130110-0008 Janet and Brenda stand at the top scan-130110-0009 Geoff scoots down a snowy hill scan-130110-0007 Geoff on a fertiliser back scan-130110-0010 Geoff slides down on his arse scan-130110-0016 Geoff comes to a halt scan-130110-0011 David and Janet scan-130110-0013 Stuston, and the village sign scan-130110-0014 The bright red K6 phone box and post box stick out of the white snow scan-130110-0024 Nosher's pad - The Stables scan-130110-0015 Janet roams around scan-130110-0017 Mere's mouth, before it had a fence built around it scan-130110-0026 The ducks of Diss Mere crowd around the remaining un-frozen water scan-130110-0025 Another view of the frozen Mere scan-130110-0018 St. Nicholas Street (left) and Pump hill (right), with Weaver's in the middle scan-130110-0023 St. Nicholas Street in snow scan-130110-0001 Brenda sits next to a pile of nibbles scan-130110-0002 Nosher and David play something on Nosher's new digital piano scan-130110-0003 David plays a spot of flute scan-130110-0012 Geoff looks on as David tootles on the flute scan-130110-0004 Odd photo of the musicians in action scan-130110-0019 David does some guitar scan-130110-0020 Geoff looks on as David plays some guitar scan-130110-0021 A failure to wind on makes for an interesting photo of two halves scan-130110-0022 Another overlapped photo