title Uni: The Fire-Bombing of Dingles, Plymouth, Devon - 19th December 1988 intro Whilst watching the TV, there's a newsflash that the Dingles department store, in the heart of Plymouth, is on fire - a fact verified by peering out of the bedroom window in Stonehouse and seeing the smoke a couple of miles away. This requires an impromptu trip on the bike with the camera to take a closer look and once there, in the days before the Nanny State, there's not much of a cordon so it's easy to get close enough to feel the heat from the flames and to hear several explosions from within the building. The fire-bombing was eventually claimed by animal rights activists, who had set some small incendiary devices in the dress section. They had apparently intended just to damage some stock, but hadn't factored in the lack of sprinklers in that part of the store, leading to a fire which just kept going until it had destroyed the top two floors of the building - damage which cost £20 million to repair. There is some repetition in this set of photos, but it was a newsworthy event so they are here for the sake of completion and documentation. scan-120227-0027 Nosher arrives as the fire is still quite small scan-120227-0028 Smoke billows out of the roof scan-120227-0020 There's quite a crowd watching the smoke scan-120227-0016 The fire spreads scan-120227-0030 The fire on third floor is spreading scan-120227-0015 The top-floor fire gets worse scan-120227-0022 Crowds look on as the flames get hotter scan-120227-0021 The crowds hang around scan-111230-0031 Ladder-mounted hoses douse the flames scan-120227-0010 A fire hose sprays down into the flames scan-120227-0011 Hot blue flames burst out of the top floor of Dingles scan-120227-0012 More intense fire and hot blue flames scan-120227-0013 A fireball scan-120227-0009 Flames curl out of the top floor scan-111230-0005 The smouldering roof of Dingles scan-111230-0034 A dude stands on the roof of the opposite building scan-111230-0006 The next morning, the devastation is clear scan-111230-0007 Crowds mill around and discuss the damage