title The Plymouth Gang Visits Nosher in the Sticks, Red House, Buxton, Norfolk - 20th May 1988 intro Some of the "gang" (Dave, Riki, Chris and Andy) come up to visit the rented pad of 2 Sewell's Cottages in Red House, in between Aylsham and Buxton Lammas in the North Norfolk countryside. Andy "Bray Feature" has hired a car to bring them up, so we use it to drive to California (the one near Great Yarmouth, not the one in the US) and then down to Norwich, where we hire a boat for a few hours' amble up and down the rivers Yare and Wensum. Dave gets the grumps for a while after Andy pretends to have chucked his anorak in to the river, for the laff. scan-120301-0012 The fields near Sewell's Cottages scan-120301-0011 The River Wensum looking back into town scan-120301-0008 The river just outside Norwich scan-120301-0009 Riki's at the helm scan-120301-0010 On the river Yare scan-120301-0001 The Rushcutters, in Thorpe St. Andrew scan-120301-0002 Looking up the Yare past the Rushcutters scan-120301-0003 Riverbank life scan-120301-0004 Swans float about on the Yare scan-120301-0005 A boat moored on the river scan-120301-0006 A grumpy Dave in the back of the boat scan-120301-0015 Dave gives Chris bunny ears scan-120301-0016 In the sand dunes at California, Norfolk scan-120301-0019 Nosher's camera bag in the dunes scan-120301-0020 Bray-feature's hired car scan-120301-0014 Dave and Andy near Horsey Wind Pump scan-120301-0017 Another broads windpump scan-120312-0003 A field of bright yellow oilseed scan-120301-0022 Dave, Chris, Riki and Andy mess about scan-120301-0007 The lads mess around outside the front door scan-120301-0021 The lads continue wrestling