title Uni: The PPSU "Jazz" RAG Review and Charity Auction, Plymouth, Devon - 19th February 1986 intro As part of PPSU's RAG week festivites, there is a RAG Revue being held down in the Students' Union. scan-111205-0018 Some top-hat and tails dancers scan-111205-0030 Someone does a speech scan-111223-0036 Roy gets a hug scan-111205-0028 Somebody does the Levi's launderette advert scan-111205-0013 The Levi's dude gets his jeans off scan-111205-0022 A band does its thing scan-111202-0004 Mark Wilkins has a cone on his head scan-111202-0002 Mark Wilkins shows a bit of leg scan-111223-0044 The SU executive are in bedsheets scan-111223-0038 SU execs in togas scan-111223-0035 Rich Arnold uses his cone as a megaphone scan-111202-0003 Mark with a cone scan-111223-0029 Mark Wilkins looks surprised scan-111223-0032 More toga action scan-111202-0001 Roy auctions off another toga scan-111223-0037 Martin's in a toga now scan-111223-0030 Martin again scan-111223-0031 Roy on the mic scan-111223-0049 Roy Gardiner does some more auctioneering scan-111205-0029 Ian Dunwoody does a turn scan-111205-0014 A punk band on stage scan-111223-0043 Alison Fleming is on stage with Roy scan-111223-0051 Roy with another victim scan-111223-0052 Roy Gardiner points scan-111202-0010 Roy speaks to the room scan-111223-0050 Someone else is up for sale scan-111205-0017 Martin's on the mic scan-111205-0025 There's a naked balloon dance on stage scan-111205-0026 There's a spot of naked balloon dancing scan-111205-0027 The balloon dance gets risqué scan-111202-0005 Some sort of prize draw occurs scan-111205-0015 Dunwoody dresses up as a sperm scan-111205-0016 Dunwoody is about to fertilize an egg scan-111202-0006 Martin and Alison do the raffle scan-111205-0005 A singer gives it some scan-111205-0004_01 A custard boat race and a falling table scan-111205-0003_01 Dunwoody leads the custard race scan-111205-0006 Another band scan-111205-0020 Drumming action scan-111205-0008 Guitar action scan-111205-0002 There's yet another drummer on stage scan-111223-0042 Alison and Roy scan-111205-0019 Guitar action scan-111205-0003 Ian Dunwoody's got the yellow pages scan-111205-0004 Dunwoody with his phone book scan-111223-0041 Rich Arnold has some balloon balls scan-111205-0026_01 A couple of gnomes on the SU stairs