title The Last Day of Term, and Leaving New Milton, Hampshire - 18th September 1985 intro It's time to leave New Milton and head off to Polytechnic in Plymouth, so over a few weeks Nosher meets up with Liz in Bournemouth, goes round to see Jon the Hair at his parents' place on Old Milton Road, shares a final few beers with the gang round the gaff at Ford Cottage in Barton and has a belated birthday lunch with Phil over in Marchwood. Then that's it - it's the end of one era and the start of another. Before that, there are a some stray photos from the last term at Brockenhurst College, including a Bed Push that Sis is in, and for which Hamish and Nosher are providing some CB Radio support, and a trip to the Forrester's Arms near the station in Brockenhurst after the last day of term. scan-111222-0008 Sarah Durrant and Sis are on a bed push scan-111222-0007 Sis and her gang leg it down Station Road scan-111222-0009 Sis runs past whilst pushing a bed scan-111222-0010 The Bed Push returns to Brock College scan-111222-0012_01 The two Brians in the Rydal car park scan-111222-0020 Carol Vass on Middle Road in Tiptoe scan-111222-0050 Brian with his Corvette scan-111222-0051 Nosher and Brian's 5.7-litre Corvette scan-111222-0023 In the Foresters Arms pub in Brockenhurst scan-111222-0024 The gang in the Foresters Arms scan-111222-0017 Stick Game in the Forester's Arms scan-111222-0012 Andy Poppit's on the pool table scan-111222-0011 Andy Poppit plays a shot scan-111222-0018 Keith Frost throws a dart in the pub scan-111222-0019 Anna and Phil scan-120119-0010 Phil's parents in the pub in Marchwood scan-120119-0001 Berenice and Bob scan-120119-0003 Berenice cuts the cake as Chris looks up scan-120119-0011 Anna in the pub scan-120119-0012 Phil and Anna play some sort of game scan-120119-0006 Phil plays the "making bacon" game scan-120119-0008 Phil and Anna scan-120119-0005 Anna with Florence scan-111205-0029 Jon and Sean in the Sunrise, beyond Bashley scan-111205-0030 Jon the Hair scan-111205-0009 Liz in the Winter Gardens park in Bournemouth scan-111205-0014 Liz sits on a fence in Bournemouth scan-111205-0010 A sailor-suited sprog roams around in the park scan-111205-0012 Jon and his family outside their antiques shop in New Milton scan-111205-0007 Anne and David outside their shop scan-111205-0008 Sean, Jon and Liz in Ford Cottage scan-111205-0019 The gang in the lounge of Ford Cottage scan-111222-0049 Nosher eats salad scan-111205-0020 Phil's looking a bit freaked out scan-111205-0011 Jon's lovely little Morris Minor van outside Ford Cottage scan-111205-0031 Florence the Fleabag again scan-111222-0022 Fleabag sticks a paw through a chair back scan-111222-0045 Nosher and a chinful of zits scan-111222-0043 Sis with 80s hair scan-111222-0023_01 Fleabag the Moog on an armchair